Monday, January 26, 2009

Little Dude

Alright, these videos are mainly for the grandparents because I don't think anyone else would enjoy them quite as much. However, I liked making them. This is all Connor and I do all day- make videos, sleep, and eat. Much fun, much fun. Anyway, we did these videos today while Connor was in a good mood. He was talking and chatting and smiling. I don't think he's smiling on purpose yet, but he might've been pooping. Also-I watch Dr. Phil on a pretty regular basis and today I had it on in the background while we were doing these videos. I didn't realize that he was playing video clips of people arguing the whole time so you can here bleeping in the background. Sorry about that! I guess the episode was how to "fight fair" and he was talking to a couple that were obviously not very good at it. Enjoy!


Holly said...

He is SO CUTE!


LOVE the videos - Connor is sooooo dang cute! People ask about him all the time and we whip out a picture, even at the Family History Center. We like hearing his little voice. What a nice family. Bless you all, Grandma and Grandpa Grant


LOVE the videos - Connor is sooooo dang cute! People ask about him all the time and we whip out a picture, even at the Family History Center. We like hearing his little voice. What a nice family. Bless you all, Grandma and Grandpa Grant

The Holt Family said...

I'm glad you did those mainly for grandma and grandpa, but I loved them! He is so cute! And I was laughing when you said, ooops that gross!

Evans Family of Three said...

adorable! i bet grandma and grandpa miss this lil dude so much!

Luke and Niki said...