Sunday, January 18, 2009

Connor's Blessing Day

Well, today was Connor's blessing day. We decided we wanted to do it while my mom and dad are still around so my dad could stand in the circle too. We had some of our friends from FHE stand in too. Thanks to my dad, Spencer, Pete, JJ, and Corey for helping. Jake was so nervous, but he did a great job. I wish I could remember the blessing better, but I just couldn't help but open my eyes and see that little circle of guys using their preisthood to bless our little baby. It was just an awesome sight to see. I couldn't stop thinking about how Jake will get to do this for all of our children. Cool stuff! Anyway, it was a great blessing and Connor did really good. He just slept the whole time. He looked so cute in his little blessing outfit. Thanks goes to my mom and dad for buying it for him. He was adorable. Before we had him I wondered if it would be too big for him, but it was actually a pretty good fit because Connor is such a chunk. Everyone at church today kept saying that he doesn't look like a newborn because he's such a big boy. Anyway, it was a great day. :D


Grant Stoddard said...

Hey, this doesn't have to do with Connor's blessing, but it's ok because I'm writing it. Are you still "team Johnson"? If so, why isn't that the title of your blog? I'm asking because we thought we'd entitle ours team Johnson if not. Ha. Just kidding. Anyway, the baby is cute. Hope you're doing alright!

Alaska Massey said...

Good work with the kid. He isn't a freaky looking newborn. Very cute, I mean hansom... Please, at your earliest convince send Bishop back. We miss him, it looks like he has a good enough tan. Congrats again. ~Erik

Holly said...

Those are the tannest Alaskans we've seen in a while:) Connor is adorable and is so lucky to have you two as his parents.

Barbara said...

Love the pictures. That's great that your folks were able to be there. Connor is so big. It's hard to believe that he's only 2 weeks old!

Ashley said...

Connor is darling and you both look so great too!

The Holt Family said...

It was such a wonderful blessing, and JJ is so greatful that he was able to be apart of that. Jake did a wonderful job! I'm so glad your parents were able to be apart of that. It's so awesome that families get to be together forever!

Evans Family of Three said...

i am so sad i missed this special day. but cory was so glad to be apart of it with you guys. i am glad that your parents got to be with you as well! thats so awesome!connor is such a cutie and i am so happy for your cute little family!!

Randrea said...

Congrats!!! He is SO cute!!!