Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

First of all, Happy Mother's Day mom!!! I love you and you're the best mom I could ever have asked for!
Secondly, I would like to say that my husband is the best one in the whole world. This week was mother's day week. WEEK! Most other moms get mother's day, but I got mother's day WEEK! Let me expain...everyday this week I got a puzzle piece with a sticky note on it saying, "On the first (or second, third etc...) day of mother's day week there was..." and it would go on to give me a clue as to where a gift was hidden in the house. It was so thoughtful!!! Jake is the best husband ever, and I'm so greatful that we have such a wonderful little boy together. Life is just great! :)


Whitni Watkins said...

I love it!

Kemp and Whitney said...

what are you guys up to this summer?