Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Massive Dump!

Well we've come to find out that Connor has a knack for ruining onsies. I don't know if it's the type of diaper we're using or what, but he always seems to do this when he's wearing a white onesie so I can never fully get out the stain. I tell him to do it in the toilet, but he doesn't listen. I think he does it just to spite me sometimes. ;)
Anyway, things are going well here. Jake is rockin the baseball feild and Connor and I stay home and play everyday. Fun fun! It's going to be so hard next semester not to be home with him full time. I just love it! We play and nap all day, what better life could there be?? haha Anyway, not much news with the Johnsons!


Alaska Massey said...

That kid can really poop. Glad he is healthy...You have to be healthy to push that hard. ~Erik

Jared, Christine, and The Boys said...

I will give you my tips because Lucas would not fill a diaper for about a week and then it will fill 3 diapers in succession, and if I wasn't paying attention, it would fill his onesie.... the stain will come out with powdered oxyclean. Just go buy a BIG container. Cold water, scrubbing and lots of soaking. Also, Huggies diapers are slightly more expensive than some store brands, but cheaper than most. They have elastic in the back that has proved to be the most helpful with blowouts, even though it won't stop them completely. :) Good luck!


Jordan, This is very familiar to me as that baby gets this from his grandpa Grant. The worst was the day of his blessing and I was holding him over my shoulder in the chapel. A man in front of us and a little to the side reached back and tapped my arm and pointed to the baby. I looked down and there was that exact stain crawling up his back in his sweet blessing outfit. Some things you just never forget! ha ha ha Hope he reads this! Gramma

Holly said...

Haha, that's funny and a little gross:) Oh, Connor, way to brake Mom and Dad into parenthood!

Karen said...

Oh yah, I remember the "Super Pooper" days!!! Maybe you should change your blog header to the "Green Team"....just until Connor starts solid foods, then it's a whole new world accompanied by SMELL!! You have sooooo much to look forward too!
Can't wait to see all of you this summer!

The Holt Family said...

Holy crap, is right! That is so funny! He is getting cuter and cuter every time we see him, even if he does have poop running up his back.

Kemp and Whitney said...

yuck...but I guess that's part of it :)

Evans Family of Three said...

oh gosh thats gross! haha dont you love being a momma?! he is so adorable tho!