Friday, February 27, 2009

Rolling Over & Laughing

Well Connor will be 8 weeks tomorrow. Here is an update on what he's doing. He's now smiling up a storm and starting to laugh. Today though, I laid him on the floor for some tummy time and he rolled onto his side. I called my mom and dad to tell them and we decided to get on skype so they could see. For those of you who aren't familiar with Skype, it's an internet program where you hook up your webcam and you can make calls to other people's computers. So it's like talking face to face. It's way awesome for both sets of grandparents because they get to see their little grandboy. Anyway, we got on Skype and I set him down on his belly and he just flopped right over onto his back! I couldn't believe it!!! I don't think he is supposed to be able to do that at this age. He'll be two months on Tuesday. Anyway, tonight when we got home from an appointment, we put him on his belly again so Jake could see and he rolloed right over again. We got it on video so that's the first video. The second is of him in his swing. Thanks to our friends Christanie and JJ for letting us borrow it. It's been such a lifesaver! He absolutely loves it! Every time we put him in there he either falls asleep or just lays there and looks at the mobile. The last couple days, he's started laughing at the mobile while he's in there. So that is the second video.


Sarah said...

You've got an impressive little dude! What'd you feed him in the womb? :)

Karen said...

I give Connor a "10" on his perfectly executed "sneeze and roll" technique.

9 of Us said...

Did you ever think you could get so many hours of enjoyment watching a baby? He is a cutie, and you are too Jordan!! Glad to hear you are coming home for the summer. They are saying it's supposed to be one of the nicest ones we have had in a long time. Let's hope.

The Kellers said...

Wow, my babies were all little blobs for the first 3 months of their lives! You're little Connor is so active!!

Jared, Christine, and The Boys said...

Happy Birthday girl! I know, you're impressed I remembered. But this is no ordinary bday. 2 WHOLE DECADES. That is something! Hope you have a great day!

Evans Family of Three said...

way to go connor! he is getting so old way too fast! i love his lil laugh! so cute!